Tuesday 3 April 2012

Meet Viv

I found her stood alone in one of those dark and dingy antique stores. She was surrounded by the smell of moth balls and those old-fashioned dolls with poppy eyes, perfect for low budget horror movies. Anyway, please meet Viv.....

                               If you're looking for something similar, have a click on this link.

        Inspiration on how to incorporate your vintage wire mannequin into your bedroom; follow link.

This mannequin was one of my best purchases to date. Not only is it a great 'shabby chic' addition to my boudoir; it's also great to hold jackets so they don't crease, it can be used for pinning garments, testing outfit ideas, and to generally hold anything like jewellery, scarfs, random pieces of material, etc.
I'm sure you're wondering the relevance of my mannequin, Viv, to a blog on the colour green in fashion. It was purely for introductory purposes as she'll more than likely feature on my blog in the near future. 
Thanks for reading, looking, browsing, clicking, etc. 
Bye bye x

My little border terrier, Pudding, was fascinated by Viv.

My dog is in the bottom left if you can't spot her.

Friday 30 March 2012


This blog is going to be some sort of green mood board extravaganza. I just want to get on with writing some posts, and start really exploring the colour green in some shape or form!!
Anyway, now I've done a little intro, hopefully I can get on with some posts. What ever my blog starts as, I don't know how it's going to develop. So please.....join me for the ride?! 
Bye bye <3
Say HI! to Pirate.